Hi there, its me the ever disapearing for weeks blogger. I have found that house hunting is a pain in the butt, (still no place yet but we have prospects) Work is work and that is 40 hours out of my week that i could be geeking but alas bills need to be paid... school is wrapping up for the semester... I want to go during the summer but uless the financial aid man comes through I just can't afford it... that and my goal is to get out of debt in 3 years. . .
Right now I am a little hyper because of some meds my doc has me taking.... dude its like speed... or 3 pots of coffee... DUe to the absolute lack of time I am consolidating all my blog efforts to ... here... so from now on you guys are getting everything... politics...religion...and other random crap. I missed WTF friday yester day... oops and purposly didn't do it on Good Friday... eh...
So... the other two blogs will be disapearing... and TA DA.... this will be the new and improved Blog. So please be patient with all my re-arranging of stuff.